Monday, September 10, 2007

Pray for me Brother!

This is not some eulogy for ARR's single.
This is a request to all of you readers who believe in God or some force that rules us all. Pray for me. I need a miracle to help me in my quest for something that readers of this blog might know about. I was an agnostic and then even an atheist. But I have now conceded defeat to all those beliefs. Maybe, I need to pray afterall. Ok. Here goes. Join me and pray to God or that force to "Give me that one thing I want!"


BK said...

My prayers are TOTALLY with you...strive smart...All the very best mayte...

Anonymous said...

dei, over a worry podatha. you have a lifetime ahead of you. dont get bogged down unnecessarily and frustrate yourself with trivial oomments. good luck and god bless.


Anonymous said...

my prayers are with you... come out of the closet

admit u r gay... god will be with you