Thursday, July 27, 2006

The bliss of solitude

Wordsworth's words are timeless...

I have been experiencing this very state for sometime now, and loving every moment.
I have tended to avoid hearing voices now, and only instrumental music is played in my room for most of the so-called "24 by 7". Occasionally I do want a few voices crooning something for me to indulge in conversation with, and I sing along...But, thanks to
1. Ilayaraja's How to Name it
2. Ali Farka Toure and his brilliant guitar
3. Steve Vai
4. L.Subramaniam
5. Prasanna
6. Kadri
7. Mandolin Srinivas
and a few others, I just LOVE the feeling of the music playing in the background and setting the mood for my thoughtprocesses, naps and occasional bouts of work on Microsoft Word.
So much so, that I have tended to keep my conversation with wingmates over food to the minimum, and long to come back to the room and let the music takeover....
Has this been the best part of my love affair with music? I tend to think so.....
There is a constant train of thoughts on the transient nature of this all, when I will have to move into the real bad mad world a year from now, and this blissful state might have to die an early death. I shudder to think of that, and tend to pump up the volume at those times.....
Psycho! when did you master the art of evasion? Atleast you have finally become a master at one art! So stay happy and get back to the music dude.....